Ontario NDP Caucus

Government of Ontario

Debate on NDP’s motion calling for Quebec Bill 21 to be withdrawn

Join us at Queen’s Park on Monday, November 25th for the debate on NDP's motion condemning Bill 21 and calling for it to be withdrawn from Quebec’s legislature.  

Suggested Arrival Time: 1:00 PM

Voting on the motion: 3:30 PM 

Note that this event is open to guests from all faiths and communities. After the debate please join us in Room 351 to discuss the results of the vote with the Ontario NDP Caucus.

An RSVP (including full name) is required in advance for all those attending in order to arrange for security clearance at Queen’s Park.

Please feel free to share the invite with your friends, family and community members.

The Ontario NDP is proud to stand against discrimination, hate and intolerance in all its forms.

November 25, 2019 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Queen’s Park, Main Legislative Building
111 Wellesley St W
Toronto, ON M7A 1A5
Google map and directions
Komal Hussain · · 416-996-3971

Will you come?